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HomeNewsAg NewsABP AGM once again coinciding with Alberta Beef Industry Conference

ABP AGM once again coinciding with Alberta Beef Industry Conference

Following their producer meetings across the province, the Alberta Beef Producers are getting set for their annual general meeting.

Whether they were were up the extreme north in La Crete or out in Oyen or Olds and everywhere in between and down into the south, Vice Chair Doug Roxburgh with ABP points out that they had great attendance and great interaction at the producer meetings. He says “not just great attendance but really great interaction and communication from the producers that did engage in the meetings. Lots of discussion and lots of feedback. So I think we identified a few key areas in some of the resolutions that came forward but overall I think that the producer meetings went extremely well.”

Among the items on the agenda for the AGM are the selection of representatives for the Canadian Cattle Association and the Beef Cattle Research Council. The AGM for the Alberta Beef Producers is coming up on March 4th and 5th in Calgary. According to Roxburgh, producers can register to attend the AGM by going online to ABPDaily.com. This is the second year that it will coincide with the Alberta Beef Industry Conference.

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