February 27th Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings
NOTICE: James River Community association AGM is on Monday March 17th, 6:30 for coffee, meeting at 7PM. Meeting is at the James River Hall
FOR SALE: 9-week-old golden retriever + border collie cross puppy, smart dog 403 443 9446 $250
FOR SALE: Falt deck gooseneck, 14 feet, built in BC, $2000, lights work, brakes, Big Valley – 587 282 8273
FOR SALE: Grandfather clock / some pocket watches – 403 556 2693
FOR SALE: 2007 Dodge handicap van, EUC, inspection sheets, pics, details available $10000 – 403 638 7752
2 guitars for sale, a Yamaha and Russburned elctric / treadmill – 403 227 5071
FOR SALE: 4 16-inch aluminum alloy rims, $100 / heavy duty hitch, bolt on, 2 inch receiver, off motor home, $50 – 403 556 1872
FOR SALE: Brand new 3-point hitch 72″ rear blade Manual tilt and angle $1150 O.B.O / Brand new in crate 3-point hitch 60″ finishing mower 3 blade Rear discharge $2650 OBO / Brand new 72″ skid steer soil conditioner Good for removing ice, leveling driveways, and prepping soil for seeding grass. $5250 OBO Torrington 403 588 4622
FOR SALE: New Electrolux by Frigidaire clothes dryer never plugged in / In search of a Massey Ferguson 124 or 128 square baler 403 638 6881
FOR SALE: For sale mint condition Norberg stock trailer 2016 tri axle goose neck more info call 403 507 9095
FOR SALE: Rear seat to fit a quad. New condition. $150 Royal Dalton elephant collection. Various prices Dakota water stuffer. $50 In Carstairs 403 862 0205
FOR SALE: Seniors couple. Married 53 years. We are in the 70s. Years old. Have 2 small Chihuahua, dogs, and 2 beautiful cats. All perfectly House. broken. Didsbury area has 2 months. To look. For someone that’s not asking way too much to rent. a month. For sale. I have to downsize a lot. So, we are selling antique bedroom sets Extra dressers. Antique singer Showing Machine. Antique. Table set. A lot of different stuff you have to come and see 587 574 7420 Didsbury
FOR SALE: For sale, split, dry, Poplar and Tamarack firewood. $140/truckload for Poplar $350/ truckload for Tamarack Near Caroline 403 597 8358
LOOKING FOR: Looking For Service Manual for a Ford Commander 6000 Tractor 780 848 0003
LOOKING FOR: Looking for some fertilized Chicken, duck turkey, quill eggs to be hatched call 403 507 1960