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HomeTrading PostMarch 3rd Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings

March 3rd Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings

March 3rd Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings


FOR SALE: Mint condition, 2005 Yamaha Kodiak 450 4 x 4 with Diff Lock Independent Rear Suspension with only 938 kms red in color comes with Waren winch and Yamaha windshield, Great Mud Tires and upgraded Rims always kept in heated shop can deliver from Red Deer $5900 call or text and I can send pictures 403 318 3540

FOR SALE: Soft top for a jeep Sahara 4 door. Fits 2008-2012. Reason for selling is sold the jeep. Call for more details. 300 – 403 507 5254


FOR SALE: 14-foot gooseneck flat deck, 2 6000-pound axles, $2000 / 318 LA block, engine, remanufactured dodge, fancy, $1000 – 587 282 8273

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FOR SALE: Leather recliner chair, swivels, rocks, reclines, $100 obo – 403 586 0756

FOR SALE: 3 horse trailers, 1 is in nice shape, bumper pull. 2 stall, custom / 2 stock style bumper pulls, one rougher, tack rooms, offers on each – 403 742 8810

FOR SALE: Wine rack, 4 by 32 inches, 63 bottles, $60 / 30 birdhouses, different varieties, $15 each 2 for $25 / bird feeders – 403 556 8804


FOR SALE: Selling a VIP engraver for $3,000. Comes with a bunch of tags. Text or call 403 845 0253. In Rocky Mountain House

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FOR SALE: High quality second cut hay. Small squares. Tarped since being stacked $13 per bale Pick up N/W of Olds Call or text 403 586 2238

FOR SALE: Antique wagon for sale can send pictures 1200. Bergen. Area 403 556 0538

FOR SALE: Massey Ferguson Acreage Tractor with Loader and Backhoe attachment. Original owner, 2020, diesel motor, with only 123 hours, Hydrostatic Transmission. Backhoe will dig 6 to 6 1/2 feet. Unit is in like new condition, pictures available upon request. $25,000 Contact 403 846 6835. 15 minutes east of Rocky Mountain House.

FOR SALE: 40 foot Sea Can high cube 9’6″ $3500 blue ox towbar $150 electric boat motor $100 all at Cremona 780 385 0254

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FOR SALE: Hi, I have a Koplin Quad bag Camo in color it’s a soft bag with lots of compartments for $90 out of Red Deer 403 877 8559

FOR SALE: Queen sized log bed and front axle for willies’ jeep 375 gears. 403 638 8441

FOR SALE: I have a 30-inch fan for sale offers We are looking for some pastureland for rent around Didsbury and olds area minimum 20 acres for cows and calves please contact me with information Didsbury 403 586 1059

FOR SALE: 2023 skidoo summit X turbo 850 turbo 154 track 3inch lugs 2300 km New track all services done to BRP specs. Backwoods front bumper Comes with cover, Packout box and base plate, spare belt Recent work done have records upon request $16,000 / 2020 skidoo summit X 850 with turbo. 165 track Head light delete kit, aftermarket front number 1960km Track is missing some lugs Comes with cover, spare belt Milwaukee pack out base plate $10,000 Olds area Call or text 403 556 5647

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FOR SALE: Barley straw for sale. New crop and old crop straw. Eagle Hill area. 403 556 3353 and leave a message

FOR SALE: Brand new 3-point hitch 72″ rear blade Manual tilt and angle $1150 O.B.O / Brand new in crate 3-point hitch 60″ finishing mower 3 blade Rear discharge $2650 O.B.O / Brand new 72″ skid steer soil conditioner Good for removing ice, leveling driveways, and prepping soil for seeding grass. $5250 O.B.O Torrington 403 588 4622

FOR SALE: 8 ft x 8 ft Greenhouse on skids. Electric wired. It has shelving. $1500.00 Located: Cremona, AB For more information call 780 385 8979

FOR SALE: We have a set of six ft steel quad ramps for $75 / a pair of ladies size 9 Dakota work boots for $75 / a ladies large size new biker leathers chaps for $100 call 403 556 0805, Harmattan area

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LOOKING FOR: Wanted Service Manual for a Ford 6000 Commander Tractor 780 848 0003

LOOKING FOR: Looking for older Chev and GMC trucks. Garden boxes for sale. 403 636 0292. Carstairs. Leave message.

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