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HomeTrading PostMarch 10th Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings

March 10th Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings

March 10th Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings


FOR SALE: Motorcycle tires, Yokohama 130/90-16 rear & Dunlop 100/90-19 front. Lots of tread & NO PATCHES OR HOLES! Asking $60. Phone 403 335 4574

FOR SALE: A variety of bird feeders and bird houses. $20.00. Located at Westward Ho – 780 268 2147

LOOKING FOR: Male Muscovy duck, any color – 403 586 0218

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NOTICE: James River Community Association AGM on March 17th, coffee at 6:30, meeting at 7pm.

FOR SALE: Flat jackets, 2 available, small and medium, $120 each OBO – 403 700 0560

FOR SALE: Century Wood stove, 1500 square feet capacity, $400 reduced / 2 mobile home rims and tires, 14 ply, 74km, $250 – 403 540 4031

FOR SALE: 8-foot black truck topper, $200 OBO – 403 507 1742

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FOR SALE: 4 goodyear wrangler tires, 265 65 18 mud and snow, $150 for all 4 – 403 556 0392

FOR SALE: Stampede posters, framed / 10-inch craftsman table saw 403 556 5239

FOR SALE: Young laying hens, 403 505 8847


NOTICE: Big Prairie Community Hall. St Patty’s Stew Supper March 14th, 2025, Friday Doors open: 5:30 pm For information: 780 385 8979 Everyone welcome

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NOTICE: Wednesday March 12 presentation at The Olds Evergreen Centre (5237 52 Street) by Kevin Land, volunteer coordinator for the Olds Hospital. Time: 12:45 p.m. Open to the public. We hope to see you.

FOR SALE: Brand new 3 inch 230-volt submersible pump with 50 ft discharge hose Pumps111 gallons per minute Bearberry 500$ – 403 559 6261

FOR SALE: 25 round bales of second cut hay 1040 lbs. burgundy hide a bed couch free. Queen size log bed frame 500$ in Sundre 403 638 8441

FOR SALE: 3-year-old Samsung smooth top electric stove. $300 OBO Call 403 318 5211

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FOR SALE: 2014 Yamaha Kodiak quad 10000 km $4200 – 403

FOR SALE: Wheelchair for sale brand new call 403 438 0650

FOR SALE: Flexicoil hydraulic post pounder for sale. Asking $4500.00. Call: 403 861 1291

FOR SALE: 3-point hitch 150-gallon munkof orchard sprayer with large fan PTO pump Like new always shedded $11,500 Red deer 403 391 0895

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FOR SALE: 2000 Chevrolet Silverado for sale asking 5800.00 OBO 403 561 8198 or 403 335 4187

FOR SALE: New Electrolux by Frigidaire clothes dryer never plugged / in search of a Massey Ferguson 124 or 128 square baler 403 638 6881

FOR SALE: I got fence post for sale app 90 -7ft x4-5″and 40 -6ft x4-5″ all post are $6.00 like new they were used as temporary fence. 7ft by 12 ft greenhouse. 6x8ft chicken coop, insulated and lined 403 636 0292 Carstairs Leave message.

FOR SALE: 8 ft x 8 ft Greenhouse on skids. Electric wired. Has shelving. $1500.00 Located: 30302. RR 50, Cremona, AB For more information call 780 385 8979

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FOR SALE: 2 steel dumpsters with plastic lids for sale 900 ea , both in good shape Red deer 403 391 0895

FOR SALE: Brand new 3-point hitch 72″ rear blade Manual tilt and angle $1150 O.B.O Brand new in crate 3-point hitch 60″ finishing mower 3 blade Rear discharge $2650 O.B.O Brand new 72″ skid steer soil conditioner Good for removing ice, leveling driveways, and prepping soil for seeding grass. $5250 O.B.O Torrington 403 588 4622

LOOKING FOR: Wanted: rear wheels for John Deer 2305 garden tractor / mixed aged firewood $150 / 8′ pickup level box – 403 975 5990 olds

FOR SALE: 40-foot Sea Can high cube 9’6″ $3500 / blue ox towbar $150 / electric boat motor $100 all at Cremona 780 385 0254

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FOR SALE: Teo 5100 leather stitch and sewing machine for sewing 1 inch stick up to 1 inch stick for sale $2000 / a wood stove That burns big wood the inside is approximately 2′ x 2′ asking $300 call 780 728 4706

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