March 11th Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings
FOR SALE: 2007 Toyota Camry with 294000 km. Good shape no rust, has a new front bumper. Runs good and has a fresh battery. Comes with a set of winters tires on rims as well as a set of summer tires without rims – 403 638 8228
FOR SALE: Countertop sandblaster in good condition. $80 / 2 steel safety Jacks in good working condition. $20 for the pair – 403 507 3015
FOR SALE: Purebred Scotch Rough Collie puppies born Jan1/25. (Lassie type) We have a rare Rough Collie Blue Merle (male) pup for sale! He is the pic of the litter and esthetically perfect! Has had Vet check and first round of vaccinations! Our puppies have been nurtured in our home (we are recently retired) and cuddled and played with by our whole family so they are calm and gentle! Asking price $1500 / we have a Tricolor (male) from same litter! He is also wonderful! Asking price $1000. They are ready to go! – 403 391 9562
NOTICE: James River Community Association AGM on March 17th, coffee at 6:30, meeting at 7pm.
NOTICE: Sundre Legion St Patrick’s Day dinner and dance, Saturday, 5:30PM, $25
FOR SALE: Hay round bales, green, shedded – 403 335 9883
FOR SALE: Leather crouch, leather chair, no smoking, $500 – 403 638 9628
FOR SALE: Antique sewing machine cabinet, spool holders, $100 / Nija air grill, used once, $150 / dehydrating machine, $40 – 403 638 4798 or 403 638 1928
LOOKING FOR: Set of packers or wheel packers for seed drill, cast iron, straight wheel 403 556 9829
LOOKING FOR: Small greenhouse, to be moved to Sundre area, 4×8 or something, 403 638 3954
FOR SALE: Brand new 3 inch 230-volt submersible pump with 50 ft discharge hose Pumps 111 gallons per minute Bearberry 500$ – 403 559 6261
FOR SALE: 25 round bales of second cut hay 1040 lbs. burgundy hide a bed couch free. Queen size log bed frame 500$ in Sundre 403 638 8441
FOR SALE: 3-year-old Samsung smooth top electric stove. $300 OBO Call 403 318 5211
FOR SALE: Mechanic stairs, formally used at WestJet lifts 22 feet high length is 25 feet lift hydraulically call for details / a wood stove $200 and 2 fifth wheel hitches one pin hitch and one ball hitch style hitch Linden area 403 507 3880
FOR SALE: 2014 Yamaha Kodiak quad 10000 km $4200 – 403 540 6309
FOR SALE: Teo 5100 leather stitch and sewing machine for sewing 1 inch stick up to 1 inch stick for sale $2000 / a wood stove That burns big wood the inside is approximately 2′ x 2′ asking $300 lots of other stuff for sale, moving call 780 728 4706 in Bearberry
FOR SALE: High quality second cut hay. Small squares. Tarped since being stacked $13 per bale Pick up N/W of Olds Call or text 403 586 2238
FOR SALE: Foose ball table $500 / camp chef pioneer stove 2 burner used onetime $150. Olds. 403 586 2224
FOR SALE: I got fence post for sale app 90 -7ft x4-5″and 40 -6ft x4-5″ all post are $6.00 like new they were used as temporary fence. 403 636 0292 Carstairs Leave message.
FOR SALE: Brand new 3-point hitch 72″ rear blade Manual tilt and angle $1150 O.B.O Brand new in crate 3-point hitch 60″ finishing mower 3 blade Rear discharge $2650 O.B.O Brand new 72″ skid steer soil conditioner Good for removing ice, leveling driveways, and prepping soil for seeding grass. $5250 O.B.O Torrington 403 588 4622
LOOKING FOR: Looking for 2 camping cots Call or text 403-507-1823
FOR SALE: Teo 5100 leather stitch and sewing machine for sewing 1 inch stick up to 1 inch stick for sale $2000 / a wood stove That burns big wood the inside is approximately 2′ x 2′ asking $300 call 780 728 4706