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HomeTrading PostMarch 14th Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings

March 14th Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings

March 14th Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings


FOR SALE: Large variety of bird feeders and bird houses. $20 each. Located at Westward Ho 780 268 2147

FOR SALE: 114 silage wrapped second cut bales. Alfalfa orchard grass, 1400 lbs plus. $180 per bale. Delivery possible but needs to be discussed – 403 318 2380


NOTICE: James River Community Association AGM on March 17th, coffee at 6:30, meeting at 7pm.

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NOTICE: Sundre Legions St Patrick’s Dinner and Dance, $25, starts at 5:30, March 15th

FOR SALE: 7-piece cookware set, Lifetime 403 507 5827

FOR SALE: Electric typewriter, Sears, in a case, used little, $75 – 403 556 6681

FOR SALE: 2000 Silverado, gas, 5.3 engine, extended cab, $6600, offers – 403 561 8198

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FOR SALE: Leather couch and leather chair, unsmoked, $500 green, 403 638 9628

LOOKING FOR: Cheap secondhand truck, $1000 – 403 877 1957


FOR SALE: 50 round hay bales for sale. 1300-to-1400-pound horse quality alfalfa mix. Sundre area. 403 426 0007

FOR SALE: Pine & Spruce $300 a cord Tamarack $425 a cord Pine and Spruce $150 for long box Tamarack $210 for long box NW of Olds – 403 540 7280

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FOR SALE: Wood burning stove for sale. Located near Sundre. $100.00 – 403 994 4400

FOR SALE: We have a set of 6 ft steel quad ramps for $75 / a ladies leather biker chaps size large for $75 / a large lady bikers’ jacket for $75 – call 403 556 0805, harmattan area

FOR SALE: Large Round wheat straw bales lots of chaff for sale east of Innisfail 403 391 8144

FOR SALE: For sale, split, dry, Poplar and Tamarack firewood. $140/truckload for Poplar $350/ truckload for Tamarack Near Caroline 403 597 8358

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FOR SALE: 3 year old male Great Pyrenees, to give away. Call 403 224 2881

FOR SALE: New Electrolux by Frigidaire clothes dryer never plugged in / In search of a Massey Ferguson 124 or 128 square baler 403 638 6881

FOR SALE: I have a chicken coop and garden shed for sale. 4 power poles 35 feet long for sale. 403 636 0292 Carstairs

FOR SALE: Have second cut for sale small squares. We are looking for some pastureland for rent around Didsbury and olds area minimum 20 acres for cows and calves please contact me with information Didsbury 403 586 1059

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FOR SALE: 2006 Arctic Cat 500 4×4 quad, 715 hours, always shedded. Call 403 746 2919 Eckville area

FOR SALE: Antique wagon for lawn ornament asking $1200. Text 403 556 0538 Bergen location

FOR SALE: 40-foot Sea Can high cube 9’6″ $3500 / blue ox towbar $150 / electric boat motor $100 all at – Cremona 780 385 0254

FOR SALE: New Electrolux by Frigidaire clothes dryer never plugged in / In search of a Massey Ferguson 124 or 128 square baler 403 638 6881

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FOR SALE: Barley straw for sale. New crop and old crop straw. Eagle Hill area. 403 556 3353 and leave a message

FOR SALE: 3-point hitch 150-gallon munkof orchard sprayer with large fan Pto pump Like new always shedded $11,500 Red deer 403 391 0895

FOR SALE: Foose ball table $500 / camp chef pioneer stove 2 burner used onetime $150. Olds. 403 586 2224

LOOKING FOR: Looking for a Buick LeSabre, Allure, Lucerne, Park Avenue. Regal. Or Chev Impala. Must be in good running condition. Phone or text 403 847 8290

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