At last week’s meeting, Town of Didsbury council was presented with information regarding provincial budget impacts in the municipality.
Mayor Rhonda Hunter says the provincial government is restoring the grants in place of taxes to pay full taxes on provincial buildings in municipalities. She says “this will amount to over $3,000 dollars for Didsbury this year. The provincial government will also increase the education property tax by over 14 per cent for 2025 which will have a big impact on all municipal rate payers.”
Didsbury council also approved the allocation of the remainder of the 2024 operating budget surplus during the March 11th meeting. Mayor Hunter points out the surplus will be distributed to seven reserve accounts that will support the funding of future projects including roads and sidewalks, vehicle and equipment replacement, economic development and tourism, as well as the council of community grants program reserve that will soon be accepting applications.”
Mayor Hunter says another item council approved was a request for COATS be advertised for the Town of Didsbury’s Chief Administrative Officer recruitment process.