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HomeSportsRodeoUnofficial West of the 5th Pro Rodeo Results

Unofficial West of the 5th Pro Rodeo Results

The 2025 portion of the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association’s calendar for this season busted out of the chutes in Rimbey over the weekend.

Two performances were part of the West of the 5th Pro Rodeo event.

The tandem of Chase Skocdopole from Big Valley and Kolton Johnson from Eckville were quickest in team roping with a time of 5.1 seconds.

Other unofficial major event winners included Tanner Eno from Coronation in bull riding, Cody Cassidy from Donalda in steer wrestling, Murray Pole from Erskine in tie-down roping, Cache Shellenberg from Saskatchewan in saddle bronc, and B.C.’s Chase Siemens in bareback.

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There was a four-way tie for top spot in barrel racing. Janet Moen from Saskatchewan, Lisa Warfield from Montana, Lynette Brodoway from Brooks, and Shelby Spielman from Ponoka all got the job done in 14.82 seconds.

In junior steer riding, Koatlyn Ogilvie from Mountain View County placed first with a score of 72.5 points. Colton Powell from Sylvan Lake was the winner in novice saddle bronc and Clay Greenslade from Strathmore was the best of the bunch in novice bareback.

Up next for Pro Rodeo Canada will be tour stops a month from now on the April 25th weekend in both Medicine Hat and Taber.

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