As voters in Mountain View County look ahead to going to the polls next month for the federal election, “what riding they are now part of?” is the first question that will have to be answered.
Since the last federal election, Leanne Nyirfa, Elections Canada Spokesperson, points out that new riding boundaries have been drawn. She says “these are drawn by ten independent electoral boundaries commissions, and these are done to reflect changes in Canada’s population and you’re correct it is a process that occurs every decade following the census.”
Nyirfa explains where to go to see what the new ridings look like and where you fit in. She says “so a person can find out what their electoral district is by contacting Elections Canada. Going onto the website at and on that website you’ll see the voter information service and you plug in your address and that will tell you which electoral district you will be voting in for this election.”
The redistribution of electoral districts means that places including Sylvan Lake, Eckville, Innisfail, Bowden, Olds, and Didsbury are part of the Ponoka-Didsbury riding.
The Red Deer riding houses locations such as Red Deer, Elnora, Penhold, and Delburne.
The Yellowhead riding encompasses places including Rocky Mountain House, Caroline, Sundre, Carstairs, Cremona, and Crossfield.
Nyirfa highlights the fact that making a plan to vote is important. She says “many of the boundaries have changed, so it is important to find that out. Decide how you might want to cast your ballot in the election and then just remember to bring your identification when you come to the polls.” Go online to for details about voter eligibility, important dates, and more. Election day is set for April 28th.
The 2023 redistribution process moves Alberta up to 37 seats from 34 in 2013 and the national total increases to 343 from 338.