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HomeTrading PostMarch 27th Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings

March 27th Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings


FOR SALE: Century woodstove fire box 17.5” blower motor, glass door $400, 2 mobile home tires and Rims $500 8-14.5 74 km on tires (403)540-4031 

FOR SALE: brand new never used konda 21” bike 29” wheels 360$, never ridden also 2 solid U shape bike locks with key $5 each, 2 small sized helmets for bicycle $5 (403)771-7018 Didsbury 

FOR SALE: 2014 fox mountain model 235 5 r s 5th wheel 1 slide good conitn everything works 25000$ (403)815-5457 madden  

LOOKING FOR: poplar wood split and cut into lenghts for woodstove 12-14″, deck chairs for patio good condition high (403)337-3494 

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LOOKING FOR: pot belly boar young, heritage ducks for sale (403)335-8984 


FOR SALE: Vintage Browning one blade folding stalker hunting knife #3218 F Germany Wood grip, tooled sheath 4 1/2″ closed Pick up in Olds $40.00 (403)414-5876 

FOR SALE: I have a custom made window blind for sale with all the mounting brackets included.
Just replaced the bedroom window with room darkening blinds. The size is 82 & 1/2 wide by 58 & 5/8 long. It is white in color and has 2 inch wide slats. Very heavy duty professional blind, asking $50.00 for it.  Sundre (403) 638-3993 


FOR SALE: 8 x 12 shed for sale. Located in Olds. 500 call or text 403 559-4818 

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FOR SALE: Free for taking 2 trailers
1, older mobile 12 x 52 not usable.
2, 24 ft holiday trailer not usable,
Both good for stripping down only to make utility trailers.
We will not move, taker must move.
FREE (403)519-4359

FOR SALE: Have to downsize a lot. So we are selling antique bedroom sets Extra dressers. Antique singer Showing Machine. Antique.
Table set. A lot of different stuff you have to come and see Add for sale 12 Val Cummings diesel rear main kit $200 OBO. And?
Looking for a freezer. And also looking for 4 wheels. Golf cart with a good frame.(587)574-7420. Didsbury 

FOR SALE: For sale 2 brand knew never used rear tractor tires with tubes Kelly Springfield power mark 16.9 x 30 l/s. Stored inside asking $2000 Didsbury 403 507-7088 

FOR SALE: For sale. Hangs on the wall.Horse. Collor with mirror and Brass top knobs. Still frame around it with has boot spurs and many more decorations. Haines $100. 587-585-7520 didsbury 

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FOR SALE: Lether skiver cutter with crank old works well asking $1000 or best offer and have two Kenworth seats air ride seats high back one leather one cloth good shape asking $300 each and have two Kenworth cab lights LED $50 each and a kipper light plant generator for $300 phone 780-728-4706 west of Sundry 

FOR SALE: Free scrap metal bin drop off service for scrap ..403-396-8629 

FOR SALE: We have a treager tailgater pellet bbq for sale 200.00 , a ladies large bikers jacket and leather chaps for 150.00 call 403-556-0805 harmattan area   

FOR SALE: Wheel chair for sale brand new call 403-438-0650 

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FOR SALE: 2006 Yamaha Bruin Atv, Ultramatic transmission. Has warn winch and new back tires
Asking $2600 OBO
Olds area

FOR SALE: Large Round wheat straw bales lots of chaff net wrapped for sale east of Innisfail
403 391 8144  

FOR SALE: Lovely round… light beige in color chair. Great to curl up in with a book, a blanket, and the grandkids. It’s 5.5 feet in diameter, 27 inches high. It’s had a smoke and pet free home. Just like new. See pictures on line. Just $85. Phone 780-831-4532 in Sundre 

FOR SALE: 1 Black beef heifer calf. Twin to a bull. East of Olds. $900 403-994-0966 

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FOR SALE: 2012 dodge ram 1500, new camshaft and top end seals, lifters and serpentine. needs cv axles and ball joints asking 7,500 (403)586-5923 

FOR SALE: 2012 dodge ram 1500
new camshaft and top end seals, lifters and serpentine. needs cv axles and ball joints
asking 7,500 403-586-5923

LOOKING FOR: to buy a 2012 gmc truck for parts ..403-396-9860 

LOOKING FOR: Wanted to buy gd used truck tires ..size 235 by 75by 17in..403-396-8629 

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LOOKING FOR: Wanted a Broken ,Old ,or Unwanted garden tractor ,or a. small utility tractor in need of repair, free or cheap ,
any make or model , anything from a garden tractor to a small utility tractor ,gas or diesel,
running or not,
parts missing ok too, the older the better

also looking for small engines in Need of Repair , parts
or pieces,
Free or Cheap ,
gas or diesel ,8 hp to 35hp Onan , kohler ,techumseh,
yanmar ,kubota etc.
call or text 403 638 7359
With description of what you have 

LOOKING FOR: GMC or Chev pickup trucks from 1973 to 1982. Running or not. 403-636-0292 Carstaris leave message 

LOOKING FOR: someone with auto body experience to help with a project car

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LOOKING FOR: Wanted to buy a wore out gravel box..403-396-8629 

LOOKING FOR: a older New Holland small square baler for parts call 403-819-4608 


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