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HomeNewsLocal NewsMountain View County's Division 4 by-election will officially feature a pair of...

Mountain View County’s Division 4 by-election will officially feature a pair of candidates

It’s official, a pair of candidates will be running in Mountain View County’s Division 4 by-election.
Returning Officer Christofer Atchison accepted papers from Sean LaBrie and Tiffany Nixon ahead of the Nomination Day deadline at noon on Wednesday. Following a 24-hour waiting period, he says those nomination results became official at 12pm on Thursday, September 19th.

Advanced Polls will be held on October 9th at the Melvin Hall from 3pm until 8 o’clock, and on October 10th at the Bergen Hall from 9am until 2pm.

The Division 4 by-election date is October 16th from 10am until 8pm at both the Melvin Hall and the Bergen Hall.

Division 4 serves Elkton/Rugby, Westcott, parts of Fallentimber, Bergen, Harmattan and Westerdale.

Following the resignation of Division 4 councillor Gord Krebs this summer, Mountain View County councillors supported holding a by-election to fill the vacant seat at their table during the regular council meeting on August 27th.

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The next general election is not slated to take place until October of next year.

Atchison adds, the Mountain View County website has an election page set up with all of the pertinent information regarding the Division 4 by-election.

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