Mountain View County’s Division 4 Councillor has resigned.
Reeve Angela Aalbers notes that the County’s Chief Administrative Officer, Jeff Holmes, presented the news of the resignation of Councillor Gord Krebs at Wednesday’s council meeting. She says “we thank Councillor Krebs very much for his service of just over three years for his community and to the County. We wish him and his family all of the best.”
Krebs was in the midst of his first term with Mountain View County council. He was elected in October of 2021. The next general election is slated for October of 2025. Reeve Aalbers says “so essentially we would be looking at just over a year. By-elections do take some time to organize, so if we did move forward with a by-election that Councillor would probably be in for one year, plus or minus.”
Aalbers explains what happens next. She says “so we do have still six active councillors and according to the Municipal Government Act, if we are within 18 months of an election council can choose whether or not we have a by-election or not to fill that position. So council will be discussing that at our August 28th council meeting.”
Division 4 serves Elkton/Rugby, Westcott, parts of Fallentimber, Bergen, Harmattan and Westerdale.
The resignation of Councillor Krebs is effective immediately. On August 16th, Krebs provided with a statement. It reads “with the current council and administration, I just don’t feel that I’m able to represent the ratepayers of Mountain View County the way they deserve to be represented.”